In which there is a Mission Statement with bullet points and also some statistical rambling.
Okay. So, at the behest of my lovely and persuasive friend Jess (she whose fault it is I live in Los Angeles, when it comes right down to it) I have started this blog for the following purposes:
1) To keep anyone who's interested updated about my frequent domestic and less- frequent- though- hopefully- increasingly- so international travels.
2) To encourage myself to think critically on a slightly more frequent basis than I currently do, i.e. to serve as a repository of movie/ book/ (and maybe) music/ restaurant/ hotel reviews and/or mini pop-culture essays. I will try to limit self-indulgent wankery if at all possible.
3)To have a place to put those things that make me want to call everyone I know to say... What The Fuck?? For instance, yesterday, as I drove to work, I saw that the Staples Center's blinky light sign (I'd say neon, but it's more amber alert), rather than flashing the next six month's events, simply displayed the following: Los Angeles Welcomes King Tut. Rather as though a small town in Iowa were welcoming a Soviet Premier. Perhaps I'm the only one who thinks this is hilarious.
Occasionally I will probably post pictures of my dog. You have been warned.
So, statistics!
I have been to:
41 states (though my friend France would argue that some of them don't count, because you can't claim a place unless you spend three nights there. I would adopt this rule except that it would mean I had to go back and spend three nights in Nebraska, and really, I'm quite convinced that driving across it showed me all I needed to see. There is possibly room in my heart for one night in Omaha and the investigation of thrift stores therein, but not three). Of the nine I haven't been to, the one you're not expecting is Vermont. Yes, I spent four years within 100 miles of it. No, I have no idea how I managed not to go there either. Um... it's not on the way to Maine? I was lame and didn't go to Montreal? Can't tell you.
21 countries outside the U.S. (though Sweden and Botswana are logistical technicalities, as I drove through one and spent three hours in the other, Vatican City probably shouldn't count, and I'm counting Scotland just because I feel like it, on the basis of... culture trumping empire. Or something.)
3 continents, soon to be 4 (no disclaimers here), and....
2 Canadian provinces. This is shockingly few and I'm not sure how it happened. But I clearly suck and need to go on a big Canadian road trip.
Hmm. This spellchecker is le suck. It found no actual misspelled words, but suggested I replace "fuck" with "Fuji" (there's an apple/carnal knowledge joke in there somewhere that I am too lazy to make) and "Tut" with "tutu." It also suggested I replace my correctly used contractional "it's" with a possessive "its." Grr.
Oh, wait, I promised no self-indulgent wankery. Please to ignore the grammar obsessive.
…in which I am delighted…
Ah! What a welcome surprise on my Friday morning! Your blog is charming m’dear. For the record, I would have laughed at the King Tut welcome too…but I suppose that’s not too shocking. RE: spell check—I’m typing this brief missive in MS word…which has no knowledge of “blog” (perhaps I meant “blob?”) or“Tut.” HOWEVER, the MS word suggestion list for “Tut” has blessed me with a wonderful new porn title: “King Taut.” (Huh… MS word apparently DOES know about “porn.”)
Oh, MS knows porn, all right!
Um.... hmm. Somehow, that seems to carry less implicative weight in cybertext. Ah, well. When you decide the medical day job waxes tiresome, I look forward to your art historical pornographic forays.
Yes, ironically, Blogger's spellcheck ALSO failed to recognize "blog" as a word. Which... huh? How do you not fix that??? C'mon, people.
It's WAY more fun to complain about the shitty spellchecker on the site than it would be to go to all that trouble.
And, if I don't practice, how will I manage this from afar??
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