Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Movie Review: Mr. and Mrs. Smith

First things first: suspending disbelief while watching this movie requires some metaphorical mental engineering that puts the George Washington Bridge to shame. The situations that aren't ridiculous are implausible, the ones that aren't implausible are improbable, and the ones that are none of the above are just plain silly or utterly logic-defying.

That aside, at its core this is one of the better romantic comedies Hollywood has managed to produce in quite some time. It's kind of like The Awful Truth with Hong Kong fight choreography and twenty-first century weaponry. If that sounds horrifying, don't see it. If it sounds like fun, you'll probably enjoy it.

I was not as blown away by the much-vaunted Pitt/Jolie chemistry as I'd expected to be, given that on any given day they're both more likely than not to be on my list of the five sexiest people on earth. In fact, despite my general appreciation of Le Pitt (as my former boss likes to say, "he's not my type... but he's everyone's type"), I don't think the fact that John Smith is hopelessly outmatched by his wife on almost every level (with the possible exception of his sense of humor) was entirely a character choice. Brad Pitt is the best American Hunkdom has to offer (and, again, I don't mean to damn him with faint praise here). Angelina Jolie is sexy on some kind of superhuman level. She's not as good an actress as he is an actor (Pitt is genuinely engaging, fun and sometimes hilariously funny in this role, in an effortless, low-key way), but one gets the feeling watching the movie that she's a demigoddess who somehow found herself in love with a bumbling but charming mortal and just can't bring herself to give him up yet. Jane Smith is smarter, deadlier, and more efficient than her husband, and in their big fight scene, rather than flinch at the sight of John beating up his wife, your instinctive reaction is that he's fighting for his life, while she's just looking to get the chance to take her shot.

To be fair, I think Jude Law might be the only actor who could go toe to toe with Jolie in the superhuman sexiness sweepstakes. He lacks Pitt's American specificity (Achilles... not so much) and shares Jolie's quality of seeming to have forgotten more kinky tricks than most people will ever learn, to the extent that even when he's not playing queer roles, the screen is suffused with an aura of homoeroticism. Johnny Depp might stand a chance as well, though, despite his tendency to play conflicted Byronic characters, he's always seemed more wounded or befuddled than dangerous (even, a bit, in his turn as a ruthless CIA assassin).

There's a litany of minor and major plot points to pick apart, but the truth is, I really enjoyed it, was surprised how much I enjoyed it, and that's all there is to it.

And "Making Love (Out of Nothing at All)" is now TOTALLY stuck in my head. I refuse to buy it on iTunes. Refuse, I say!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given that Pitt is not your type (despite being one of your pick of five sexiest), care to say who is?

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOOOOoooooOOOOoooo! Morgan's got an admirer!


9:34 AM  
Blogger Morgan said...

Yeah, I think it's my mom, this time.

Dude... he's not my type in that he's the Platonic Ideal of the American Frat Boy. He's certainly my type in that he's smoking fucking hot.

Let's see, of late I swoon for:

Johnny Depp (forever and always, even if he is short, a caveat he shares only with Taye Diggs)

Jude Law

Jake Gyllenhall

Clive Owen

Hugh Jackman (but only as Wolverine... holy shit, I'm such a geek)

Naveen Andrews (though he seems like he's probably weird as fuck)

Olivier Martinez

Good enough? I'm sure I've forgotten someone.

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did you guess? ;-)
(I haven't gotten a "blog" name set up that i want to use yet.... and anonymous was fast!)

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

however, it still mystifies me that you would think he was so smoking hot, yet not consider him your "type"....

10:43 AM  
Blogger Morgan said...

Mom. Not everything is meant to be taken PERFECTLY literally. Generically, he isn't my type. Specifically, he himself, is hot. I hate frat boys. But a few of them don't entirely suck. Dig?

More importantly, I left out Paul Bettany!!! Terrible thing to do.

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul Bettany--yes. Can we get Jake Gyllenhall of your list please? On that list he's the Sesame Street "One of these Things is not like the Other" guy.
I'm sure he's very nice, but he's wildly unsexy (if that is possible). The unsexy have no place on that list. I would say YOUR list, but I know Leone is reading.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Morgan said...


I also forgot Ewan Macgregor. Whom I will even forgive the frickin' Grizzly Adams beard.

Clearly I have a Blonde (ish) Brit Problem.

Jake Gyllenhall is hot. He may occasionally star in crappy movies, but he is hot. Sorry.

10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree! Jake G. is hot. So is his sister. I also have to agree that it is possible to “ogle outside the genre” when it comes to finding people attractive.

Personally, if I had to critique the list, I would say, include more musical hotties! [perhaps I meant "potties?" --MSWSC]

Of course, MY type is “snarky, loquacious, (f)artsy, and downwardly-mobile”…so of course I have to include the musicians.


2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Jake has to go. I'm clearly out-voted, so I will attribute this to the whole Nicole Kidman racial differences factor. But know that I am so mystified. While you are busy with Jake, I will be making out with Ewan.

11:41 PM  
Blogger Morgan said...

You're married. No Ewan for you.

I sat two seats down from Jake G in a theater. Boy is smokin'. And seemed like a good date, too, even if they've broken up.

Also, I said Nicole K. was BEAUTIFUL, not hot.

On the other hand, all of my credibility is going to go out the window when I say that I still find Trent Reznor to be sexy, in a disturbing yeah-I-know-he-was-a-band-geek-and-now-lots-of-goth-girls-worship-him kind of way.

And I love Damien Rice.

Ummm.... yeah, guess I'm not SO much with the musicians. They seem to wear their bedpost-notching more blatantly on their sleeves, maybe? Note the complete absence of Colin Farrell from the above list...

9:20 PM  

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